Crusty Rocket

for 4 persons
8 baguette slices - 1 cm thick, cut on the angle
70 g rocket leaves, trimmed
1 pressed clove of garlic
2 dsp rapeseed oil
1 dsp hazelnut or rapeseed oil
1/3 tsp salt and a little ground pepper
200 - 250 g Swiss raclette cheese cut into slices
4 tsp coarsely chopped hazelnuts
1. Place baguette slices on an oven tray and bake at 200°C for approx. 10 minutes until golden brown. Remove and cool.
2. Keep a handful of rocket aside for garnish. Finely chop the remaining rocket with the garlic. Add the rapeseed and hazelnut oil plus salt and pepper.
3. Place baguette slices in each grill pan. Spread on the rocket mix. Place raclette cheese slices over the top and grill. Garnish with the remaining fresh rocket.