Fig Raclette with Pitta Spice Quarters

For 2 persons
2 baby lettuce or 1 small lettuce
250 g Swiss Raclette cheese, cut into slices
2-4 figs, depending on size
freshly ground pepper
4 loaves ready-to-bake pitta bread, available at large retailers
soft butter
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 Remove withered leaves and stalk from lettuce. Cut crosswise into wide strips, wash, let drain thoroughly, put into 2 small gratin tins or soup plates. Season with a generous pinch of salt, spread Raclette slices over lettuce. Cut figs into small slices, spread over Raclette cheese, season with pepper.
2 Spread butter onto top surface of pitta bread, dust with curry powder using a sifter, sprinkle with sunflower seeds. Heat up in microwave oven at full power for 30-40 seconds. Remove from oven and cut into halves.
3 Heat up fig Raclette in microwave oven at full power for 50-60 seconds until Raclette cheese has melted, serve immediately with pitta bread.
Tips: Instead of pitta bread, use any other kind of bread slices.
Instead of lettuce, use small China cabbage (does not need washing).
Instead of figs, use pears, plums, apricots or peaches.
Gratinate the fig Raclette for 5 minutes on the centre rack of the oven preheated to 180 °C and let the pitta bread gratinate with it.